Friday, August 11, 2006

She made chicken...

with pineapple and Sprite of all things. There wasn't a whole lot in the refrigerator since I was going on vacation. But the freezer was full of meat and I do have a well-stocked pantry. I keep everything the hot girl from 30 Minute Meals tells me to. From out on-line chats, I knew Maricel liked to cook and that fueled my interest, cause that gave us something to discuss besides comics. A great subject, but you don't want to run it dry. She had looked through my cookbooks (mostly anything anyone from the Food Network puts out) and was intrigued my some of the recipes. But she decided to make something her mother used to cook for her for me. It was pretty good. I love the idea of cooking with pop. For dessert we went to the dairy bar two doors down and and had soft serve. We sat at the picnic table and watched people with their kids and their dogs order sundaes and cones.
"I like it here." Maricel said.
Yeah, I like it here, too.

See you in the funny papers...

He looks bad...

Real bad. I don't think I reacted, though. The nurse was nice, explaining that while the ventilator looks scary, it's just giving his tired lungs a rest so he can get better. It was an explanation you'd give a ten-year-old, but it made me feel better.
"You think you can hide here from me after what you did to the store?" I said and he opened his eyes. "You're lucky the nurse is watching." I took out my phone and showed him a picture of Maricel by the pool at the Mandaly Bay. I put it close so he could see and his eyes moved to follow the phone. "See, you said my girlfriend was only pretend. And here she is with me just in case you think this is some random hot chick."
The nurse laughed. Brian grabbed hold of my hand.
"I knew you were faking." I said. "It's okay, no need to get excited. We can talk about everything later. I'll show you all my photos from Vegas."
"Wow!" the nurse said. "Vacation pictures!"
"Chill." I said to Brian, who looked like he was getting agitated. He seemed to listen.
I say seemed because he never listens to me. Or the doctors or his parents. Or the laws of gravity. Or of the laws of the State of Ohio. He is, however, the living embodiment of Murphy's Law.

If I have not found my soul mate...

I've found my ideal bed mate. I've slept better in the past few days than I have since I was kid with no real problems. I told her that when we woke up. She said I made an excellent pillow myself. "Among other things."
"I pride myself of being a multi-tasker in bed." I said and she laughed. I wanted to get over the hospital and she said not to feel bad about leaving her alone, since it was a bad time to introduce your new girlfriend and she didn't like hospitals anyway. So I left her with some pretty good comics and drove over to the hospital.