Friday, August 11, 2006

He looks bad...

Real bad. I don't think I reacted, though. The nurse was nice, explaining that while the ventilator looks scary, it's just giving his tired lungs a rest so he can get better. It was an explanation you'd give a ten-year-old, but it made me feel better.
"You think you can hide here from me after what you did to the store?" I said and he opened his eyes. "You're lucky the nurse is watching." I took out my phone and showed him a picture of Maricel by the pool at the Mandaly Bay. I put it close so he could see and his eyes moved to follow the phone. "See, you said my girlfriend was only pretend. And here she is with me just in case you think this is some random hot chick."
The nurse laughed. Brian grabbed hold of my hand.
"I knew you were faking." I said. "It's okay, no need to get excited. We can talk about everything later. I'll show you all my photos from Vegas."
"Wow!" the nurse said. "Vacation pictures!"
"Chill." I said to Brian, who looked like he was getting agitated. He seemed to listen.
I say seemed because he never listens to me. Or the doctors or his parents. Or the laws of gravity. Or of the laws of the State of Ohio. He is, however, the living embodiment of Murphy's Law.

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