Monday, October 02, 2006

To top off a magical day of fun...

I was just ready to close up the shop after a day so busy it made my head spin. I could smell dinner wafting down the stairs and was beginning to salivate. Maricel can cook. She's going through my cookbooks and coming up with something different every night. But she's walking me so much, I'm not getting any fatter. I had an exciting evening of dinner, TV and comparative comic book reading followed by discusison ahead. And I'd done nearly two thousand dollars worth of business in a day. The front door beeped and one tired looking guy came in.
"May I help you?" I asked cheerfully. I can always fake cheerful when I want their money.
"I'm here to see Maricel." He said.
I could pretty much figure he'd some all the way from Manila.
"And you are?" I asked.
"Why do you need to know?" He said in an unneccessarily confrontational tone.
"So I can tell her who's here." I said. "Honey, some unidentified male is here, doesn't seem to cut it."
I knew who it was. I was just screwing with him. I didn't have to call her, she came skipping downstairs to help me close up the shop like she always did. If I hadn't grabbed her by the belt, I think she would have killed him. I actually snatched her out of mid-ail and pulled her back towards me before she could get him. No need to repeat the string of obscenities. You get the gist. She was not too happy to see her cheating, lying ex-boyfriend.
"What are you doing here?" She screeched. That's exactly my reaction when SWSNBN shows her face. So I understood.
"I came to bring you home." He said.
"Your wife might not like that." She said.
"To your aunt." He said. "Your family is worried."
"And they sent you?" She said. "That's a brilliant idea. I hate you."
"She talked me into it." He said. "I don't know why I'm here."
"Neither do I." Maricel said. "I am home. This is where I live. This is where I was born."
"Don't delude yourself." He said. "Everything isn't going to be perfect because you moved to America."
"Everything will be perfect because you're not around." She said. "Go away. I'm fine. I don't need your help now. When I needed your help, you were busy with some other girl. Remember her, your wife? Shouldn't you be home with her now?"
"I should." He said angrily. "But I came halfway actoss the world to help you."
"You should have tried dropping by when I needed you to come halfway across town, you selfish, stupid bastard." She said. "I'm done with you." And she turned her back and ceased to acknowledge anything he said or did. She just went upstairs.
"I don't think she wants to talk to you." I said.
"Nothing better happen to her." He said to me.
"Bite me." I replied wittily.
"She's having your background checked." He warned me.
"Don't blame her." I said. "There's nothing to find, but I don't blame her. Don't you think you'd better leave before she hurts you?"
"I spent two straight days on a plane." He said.
I shrugged. "Maybe you should have called first."

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