Saturday, October 28, 2006

Jen bullied him into talking to a surgeon...

about his arms.
"You're basically helpless as it is." She said. "Do you think a little mobility in your arms might come in handy."
Danny was tired and he gave in and he let them do tests. They're looking at doing after the first of next year. They want him to fully recover from being malnourishe and tourtured.
I used the press to get his wheelchair delivery on the fastrack. The sad story of his stolen wheelchair and the long wait for a new one played well in the media. He got a bunch of offers of monetary help, but money was something he had. I suppose that getting his Ibot delivered means some other poor guy or gal is without one. I hope that person hasn't been through anything nearly as awful as Danny.

I am so tired of hospitals...

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