Thursday, October 26, 2006

A bunch of Maricel's stuff came...

She was so happy. She's got so many freaking dolls. Well, compared to me, she doesn't have that much stuff. They're pretty nice. I have some display cases in the basement that I knew would come in handy someday. I suggested putting some of the nicest stuff down in the store with a prominent not for sale sign displayed. The rest can go in the bedroom she has carefully crafted into a functional and attractive office for both my business and her teaching work. Did I mention the part when I went out and bought actual office furniture? When you buy stuff from a furniture store it costs more money, but there are actually dudes that move it upstairs for you. We got this stuff pictured up top. That's from the company's website, our office isn't out on the patio like that one seems to be. I would think that wouldn't be so good for the electronics. I could be wrong. But her clothes are in the closets and some of her stuff is hanging on the walls. And that really doesn't bug me at all. I'm thinking that's a good sign. Weezer's out of the ICU, too. Another good sign.
See you in the funny papers...

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