Friday, August 25, 2006

It doesn't seem much like working...

when you get to read comic books all day. At least that's what Maricel said. But I was minding the store. Didn't hurt to get a little reading in. I need to be current on the product if I'm going to discuss it with the customers. We were busier than usual. A lot of guys were coming in to get a look at Maricel. They were doing their best not to be obvious, but their best wasn't much. But they were buying and that was cool. I went upstairs to make us some sandwiches and came down to find eight customers in the store. I think I was violating fire codes. I had a surprise guest as well. Mother of SWSNBN showed up. Let's call her Mrs. NBN. I made her wait her turn until the other customers were taken care of. Cause I'm mean.

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